

Reach & Match is applied at Bartiméus in the Netherlands!

Bartiméus is a leading organisation in the Netherlands support people with vision impairment and multiple disabilities. Bartiméus is one of our early adopters since 2014, we are so glad to receive support and endorsement from Dick Lunenborg, assistive technology specialist and the co-founder of FabLab on applying Reach & Match Learning Kits at their early intervention services. I had a great time to visit the FabLab to learn about the different types of projects lead by a diverse team. There were some really special devices developed for people with complex needs.


I was extremely happy to finally meet the Therapeutische Peutergroep and observe a morning session how therapists and children using it.  It was lovely to discuss with child psychologist Irmgard Bals and learnt about how they applied the kits creatively in their service. As a designer, it is so rewarding and delighted to see Reach & Match Learning Kit is being applied for their early intervention program which up to 4 days a week! They are doing a wonderful job for kids with vision impairment and multiple needs. I also have had an opportunity to present the research and application to educators and specialists at various organisations. Dick Lunenborg has shared about how Bartiméus applies the kits creatively for their children with multiple disabilities. It was a wonderful time to discuss ideas with the educators at the end. I am very enthusiastic to continuously support Bartiméus and look forward to the applications into more places for the organisation!



