

Reach & Match Inclusive Learning Workshop hosted by Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (Sydney)

We are very excited to bring Reach & Match® Inclusive Learning Workshop to Sydney and it was hosted by RIDBC on 17th February, Wednesday at 4:30pm.  Reach & Match® is an innovative education kit empowers children with vision impairment and multi-disabilities to learn braille and developmental skills in mainstream setting. We also designed an inclusive learning program with 30+ exercises and games to help children develop essential learning skills. It is a social inclusive kit for children with all abilities, including children with sensory impairment, physical and developmental delay e.g autism. Please see attached as the details Reach & Match Workshop 2016. If you are interested to know about our last workshop in Brisbane, please view our last post.

We are pleased to meet educators, consultants and therapists from RIDBC, Vision Australia, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and NSW Department of Education and shared the Reach & Match Inclusive Learning Program. It was great to receive very encouraging feedback from the audience and excited to know that RIDBC Teleschool and Vision Support teachers from the public schools will be supporting our programme. We look forward to collaborate with their teachers in the near future to make the Reach & Match Learning Kits to best benefit their students!

Please feel free to share our workshop with anyone in your network! If you are interested in the Reach & Match Inclusive Learning Workshop please send me a email directly –


Sydney Braille Forum – 16th March 2016

Reach & Match Learning Kit was so pleased to be presented at the Sydney Braille Forum hosted by RIDBC. There were sighed and blind participants able to explore and experience the features of Reach & Match. Pictures below showing both the blind and sighted participants were working together to tackle the Reach & Match game, every one was having a lot of fun! Thank you every one for coming and we appreciate the opportunity to introduce Reach & Match to all the participants.


Best regards,

