SightCity Frankfurt 2015
Reach & Match Exhibiting at the Design Museum of Barcelona
We are excited and humbled by the announcement that the Reach & Match is one of 99 products currently being shown at the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona for the Design for life. 99 projects for the real world exhibition.
Reach & Match at the SPEVI Conference 2015
The 2015 biennial SPEVI (South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment) Conference was held at the Melbourne Conference Training Centre from January 12 to 15, 2015. The theme of this year is Together Towards Tomorrow: Families and Professionals – a vision for success, which emphasises the importance of students, families and professionals working together to achieve new goals.
Reach & Match® at Vision Australia Texpo 2014!
October 10 and 11 were two very delightful days for our team at the Vision Australia Texpo. The Texpo showcases a range of Vision Australia (VA) services and independent exhibitors showcasing their own product. It is a free annual event and many teachers, early childhood educators, specialists, parents and children come to see what new