Reach & Match Learning Kit

Supports All Children to Learn Equally through Inclusive Play

A play-based learning program supports children with all abilities to build the foundational physical, cognitive, language and social-emotional skills that support their wellbeing and learning journey.

As featured in

Reach and Match Learning Kit

Reach & Match Learning Kit

Reach & Match® support early childhood learning outcomes and the inclusion of children with special needs in the mainstream environment.

Reach and Match Training Course

Reach & Match Training Course

A comprehensive teacher professional development (TPD) course focused on developing the capacity of educators to create an inclusive learning environment.

clients are schools, early intervention services and families

Schools & Communities

Thousands of children are enjoying the benefit of Reach & Match Inclusive Learning Program worldwide.

Impact Partners

Since, 2017, Reach & Match has expanded its reach to support Inclusive Education (IE) and Education in Emergencies (EiE) in developing countries and countries affected by conflict throughout Asia and the Pacific. Reach & Match partners with children relief organisations, e.g. Save the Children and Plan International to provide educational and therapeutic support for children with disadvantages in humanitarian and emergencies.

Impact partners include save the children and plan international
Impact partners include save the children and plan international

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Reach & Match Supporters


2 months ago

Reach & Match Learning Kit
Today, on International Day of People with Disabilities (#IDPwP), my heart is filled with gratitude and inspiration!! 🙏💡🥹 I am thrilled to partner with SG Enable to roll out the Reach & Match program in Singapore, providing adaptable training for our first batch of trainees from eight incredible organisations, including @spdsingapore @rainbowcentresingapore @nlbsingapore @sciencecentresg , @sadeaf_sg and I am extremely excited to see how Reach & Match Inclusive Education Kit @reachandmatch will support #EarlyIntervention, #ChildhoodLearning and foster greater #Inclusion for children with diverse needs in these communities! 👦🏻👧🏼✊🏼 I am truly grateful for the support of the visionary leader Geok Boon from SG Enable, whose dedication to inclusion has been truly remarkable. A heartfelt thank you to Will Chang, Alvin Tan, Sock Poh and Janice for their amazing support and contribution throughout this journey. Immediately after the training, I was honoured to participate in the first Zero Project APAC Symposium 2024, speaking on the panel “Tech for All: Enabling Independence and Inclusion through ICT.” It was a privilege to share the stage with inspiring leaders like Assoc. Prof. Suranga Nanayakkara, Gerald Teo, He Gong, and Dennis Teo, moderated by the incredible Herk Low Ng, exchanging insights on how technology can foster independence and inclusion for all. 🌏 I am so proud of this marvellous symposium, brilliantly organised by #SGEnable and @zeroprojectorg bringing together passionate #changemakers to celebrate and advance inclusion. ❤️#InternationalDayOfPeopleWithDisabilities #ZeroProjectAPAC2024 #SGEnable #InclusionForAll #InclusiveSociety #ReachandMatch @zeroprojectaustria ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Reach & Match Learning Kit
While most of my business knowledge has come from hands-on practice, podcasts, and books, completing the Business Management to Leadership Executive Program at Harvard University was a truly impactful experience. It was my first structured exploration of strategy and leadership, combining real-world insights with academic depth. 😬 A heartfelt thank you to the Westpac Social Change Fellowship for making this experience possible. I’m excited to bring these insights back to @reachandmatch and apply what I’ve learned to make an even greater impact. 🙏 @harvard @westpacscholars @harvardprofexecdev #LifelongLearning #SocialEnterprenuer #BusinessLeadership ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Reach & Match Learning Kit
I had the privilege of visiting the historic Perkins School for the Blind, the first school for the blind in the U.S. and a place of profound significance, as Helen Keller herself attended this institution. 😍 Thanks to Daniela Gissara and the instructional coaches hosting me, so glad to share about the vision of Reach & Match Inclusive Education Kit. It was amazing to explore the beautiful building and experience its inspiring tactile museum. 🖼️🐑 Westpac Scholars Perkins School for the Blind #inclusiveeducation #SocialChange #reachandmatch #earlychildhoodeducation #visuallyimpaired #HelenKeller ... See MoreSee Less
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