Through Place-based

Through Place-based
Reach & Match Learning Kit
Reach & Match® is a multi-award winning holistic learning system supporting children with different abilities to learn and engage through play-based activities.
The Reach & Match Leaning Kit fosters the development of manual dexterity, motor development, direction and spatial awareness while learning braille and print literacy and numeracy skills and building children’s confidence and social skills through play.

Reach & Match Learning Kit includes:
Four large double-sided sensory play mats
Twenty-six braille and print alphabet double-sided sensory tiles containing four sounds
One round zip case
One portable bag
One Inclusive Learning Program Activity Manual
Reach & Match Inclusive Learning Program
7 Learning Outcomes & 40 Activities
Braille & Print Learning
Cognitive Skills
Sensory Integration
Sense of Satisfaction
Language Enrichment
Body Movement
Social Interaction

Program Features
Literacy, Sensory & Interactive elements
High Quality, Versatility & Flexibility
Easy Adaptation to National Curriculum
Social Inclusiveness
Individual Learning & Group Play
40 Activities
Active moment

Online Training Course
A series of step-by-step animations illustrate 40 activities, games and lesson plans.
The online training course includes learning objectives, teacher delivery strategies and evidence of learning.