

Reach & Match® Received Well Tech Award – Special Mention Prize (Milan)

Well Tech Award

We received great news that Reach & Match® received the WT Award Special Mention Prize in Accessibility! The Well Tech Award is an international award for design and technological innovation. Every year the Well Tech Observatory selects the sixty most innovative materials, products and technologies from all around the world. These sixty innovations must distinguish themselves in innovation, accessibility, sustainability and aiding quality of life become candidates for the annual edition of WT Award. The winning projects are then exhibited with a prestigious event during the Milan Design Week.

We were very excited to receive this award as well as have the opportunity to exhibit Reach & Match® during the Milan Design Week! It was great to have a chance to meet with other exhibitors, as they were designers, engineers and architects who were all there to showcase their amazing products. It was a valuable opportunity for me to learn and discover the latest design and research in various fields.

Visit Milan Institute for the Blind

I was very surprised to be visited by the Milan Institute for the Blind at our stand. They were really welcoming and invited me to visit their school. I took a tour of their school the next day, and I loved this beautiful school and was also greatly inspired by their work!

The Milan Institute for the Blind is a very beautiful and big building. It was a great opportunity for me to learn how they taught children with vision impairment throughout its history. The works they posted on the wall were many materials they taught blind children including different subjects and daily life objects. Looking at these lovely work, inspired me greatly. I wish they were still having classes for children as I could imagine children with vision impairment will love this place so much!


It was a great trip for me and I was so grateful to receive this award and the have this wonderful opportunity to exhibit Reach & Match® in Milan Design Week (and visit lots of beautiful places & eat fantastic food in Milan).


Mandy Lau