Seth Godin Ruckusmakers
I have been following Seth Godin’s blog closely for a while, as he has continuously inspired and encouraged me with his insight since I started Reach & Match. If you don’t know already, Seth Godin is a New York Times best selling author, entrepreneur, thought leader and ruckusmaker.
Once I saw Seth Godin will be running a Ruckusmakers weekend, I immediately applied for an invite, even though it required me to fly half way around the world to New York. A few hours after applying, I got notice that I was privileged enough to be selected from hundreds of applicants within a few hours! What was more surprising is that only 10% of us were selected for a 90% discount, and I was lucky enough to be selected as one of them!

The workshop designed for social entrepreneurs, founders, designers, markers, leaders and artists. Between March 6th to March 8th, 2015, myself and 80 other Ruckusmakers were joined by Seth Godin at the Purple Crayon Center in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York; a lovely, intimate space.
The two and a half day seminar was hosted by Seth. He spoke on guiding principles for successful projects and used a variety of example of bring home points, with lots of Q&A time, small group activities (including the marshmallow challenge!) and chances for us to share what we are doing.
Joining me at this unforgettable, intimate group event were a dynamic group of people from around the world. We shared our deepest fears, out biggest ambitions and were all challenged by Seth. All of us were people who want to create original works and to make a difference. Seth taught us what marketing has become in 2015, and how we can bring our best world into the world we live in.
I initially applied for the workshop because I believed that it can help Reach & Match a lot, get rid me of my fears and give me the strength to take the leap of faith necessary to create change that matters and change that makes the world a better place. This workshop has definitely done that for me. Never could I imagine that I can learn so much from the other Ruckusmakers, and I hope that they have learnt from me too! We became good friends and encouraged each other to share our thoughts. Even after the workshop, the Ruckusmakers still keep in contact with each other, and keep an eye on each other’s projects.
So, what do you do when it’s your turn? (and it’s always your turn..)
– Mandy

All photos on this page are courtesy of Kara Fein.